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5 Book Balancing Tips for Small Business Owners

5 Book Balancing Tips for Small Business Owners

Are you a small business owner who struggles to keep your books balanced? Do you feel like you're too busy juggling all the other responsibilities of managing the day-to-day operations? If so, you’re not alone. Bookkeeping can be tedious and intimidating, but with the...

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Hiring an Accountant vs. Using Accounting Software

Hiring an Accountant vs. Using Accounting Software

There are many different options for accounting and it can be difficult to decide which is the best for you or your business. You can hire an accountant to do your books or you can use accounting software. Each has its own pros and cons, and it helps to understand...

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Tips to Cut Your Tax Bill

Tips to Cut Your Tax Bill

This article provides some helpful tips on how you can cut your tax bill by making smart depreciation choices, maxing out your retirement contributions and buying the right items. Saving money is critical for everyone, but if you are self-employed or own a small...

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Tips to Find Workers

Tips to Find Workers

The Great Resignation and other factors have led to a shortage of workers and business leaders are having to find creative ways to recruit employees. It currently helps to be flexible when looking for workers to keep your business operating at the pace it...

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How Working from Home Affects Taxes

How Working from Home Affects Taxes

The pandemic led to a large number of professionals working from home instead of their office space. Many may be wondering how this will affect their taxes and if they’ll get a tax break. The general thinking could be leaning towards you getting a break as an employee...

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Benefits of Paying Taxes Quarterly

Benefits of Paying Taxes Quarterly

Many individuals are familiar with filling out W-4 forms provided by their employers to file taxes. Business owners, self employed individuals and contractors however don’t fill out traditional W-4 forms. They are professionals who might receive income without taxes...

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LLC or S Corp. What’s Better for My Business?

LLC or S Corp. What’s Better for My Business?

Many business owners are usually faced with deciding whether to incorporate as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or S Corporation (S Corp) due to the nature of their business, ownership, employees etc. It’s advisable to contact an accountant to help you with making...

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Managing Your Employees After the Pandemic

Managing Your Employees After the Pandemic

Managing Your Employees After the Pandemic  The COVID-19 crisis led to many changes in how employees work. Employees had to adjust to new routines and organizations had to make adjustments by providing access to work remotely. With normalcy setting in and the...

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